Sealing Clinic
November 16, 2023
Fair Housing Protections for Formerly Incarcerated
November 30, 2023The Clean Slate Act was signed into law on November 16th, 2023. To learn more, please watch this video announcement (with closed captioning) by NSLS Supervising Attorney John Batanchiev.
NSLS’ Civil Rights Project helps represent individuals on civil matters such as:
- People who need help with reintegrating into the community after facing criminal charges. We cover such topics and issues as:
- Employment discrimination
- Section 8 issues
- Certificates of relief from civil disability/certificates of good conduct
- Denial of a professional license
- Denial of employment due to prior neglect/abuse findings
- Housing
- Public benefits
- Consumer Debt
- Transgender, Non-conforming, and Non-binary people overcome the hurdle of name changes and changes to sex designations.
Suffolk residents can call (631) 232-2400. Nassau residents can call (516) 292-8100.