COVID-19: Nutrition Resources
May 17, 2021
Only a tiny fraction of rental relief has reached LI landlords and tenants, officials say
May 21, 2021Pro Bono Net, with funding from the New York Office of Attorney General, recently launched TenantHelpNY.org, a new online resource created to help tenants in New York understand their housing rights during the COVID-19 public health crisis.
The New York Covid-19 Tenant Help Project provides clear and easy guidance to tenants facing eviction as well as information on how to present defenses in court. This website will also provide resources to pro bono attorneys assisting tenants with their eviction cases.
This website is a collaboration of the Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York, Nassau Suffolk Law Services, Legal Aid of Western New York, Legal Aid Society of Mid New York, Erie County Bar Association Volunteer Lawyers Project, Legal Services of Hudson Valley, and Pro Bono Net. Funding is provided by the New York Office of Attorney General.