What are Medicaid Liens?

A lien is a claim or a charge that the Department of Social Services (DSS) puts on your property for...
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Public Benefits for Immigrants

From Empire Justice Center:Immigrants and their children may be eligible for a variety of public benefits, depending on their status,...
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What is Small Claims Court and how can I use it?

What is Small Claims Court?Small Claims Court handles cases for claims of $5,000.00 or less. The judge in Small Claims...
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What can I do if my landlord is harassing me?

What can I do if my landlord has been verbally and/or physically abusive toward me or my family and is...
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What is a Non-Payment Proceeding?

This page outlines the rules that will apply after the current state of emergency is lifted. Please refer to our...
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Child Support Enforcement Bureau

The Child Support Enforcement Bureau locates absent parents, establishes legal paternity for children born outside marriage, establishes/enforces child support orders...
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What is an authorized representative?

What is an authorized representative?Applying for Food Stamps;Completing Work Registration forms;Buying food for your household with your Food Stamps.The representative...
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Public Benefits for Immigrants

Immigrants and their children may be eligible for a variety of public benefits, depending on their status, length of time...
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Tengo problemas para pagar mis servicios, pero estoy pasando por una emergencia de salud médica.

¿Qué es una carta de certificación médica?Una carta de certificación médica es una carta de su médico a su compañía...
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What are the New York State Diploma/Credential Requirements?

A guide by the NYS Education Department for diploma/credential requirements for students enrolled in grades 9-12 is available here.
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More Information on Student Loans

Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) DischargeIf you are totally and permanently disabled, you may qualify for a total and permanent...
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What are “Expedited SNAP” benefits?

What are Expedited Food Stamps and how do I know if I am eligible for them?Expedited Food Stamps are food...
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What rights do I have as a tenant in a foreclosure?

This page outlines the rules that will apply after the current state of emergency is lifted. Please refer to our...
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Can my landlord charge me late fees if I do not pay my rent on time?

This page outlines the rules that will apply after the current state of emergency is lifted. Please refer to our...
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Prescreen for SNAP Eligibility Online

Use this website as prescreening tool to find out if you are eligible to receive: Help with buying foodTemporary Assistance...
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Illegal Evictions in Suffolk County and How to Stop Them – English

This page outlines the rules that will apply after the current state of emergency is lifted. Please refer to our...
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I am facing a health emergency, having trouble paying my bills and I need my utilities to stay on.

What is a medical certification letter?A medical certification letter is a letter from your doctor to your utility company. In...
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Earned Income Tax Credit

The Earned Income Tax Credit, EITC or EIC, is a benefit for working people with low to moderate income. To...
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Tengo que presentar una queja sobre un servicio público

¿Tiene un problema con su servicio de electricidad o gas?Si vive en Long Island, su compañía de gas es National...
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What is a Security Deposit? Everything You Need to Know

What is a Security Deposit? A security deposit is a landlord’s way of guaranteeing that he will be compensated for...
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