Nassau County: Know your Rights
April 29, 2020
Free workshop hosted by Family Service League: Learn about the Rights of Long Term Care Residents
May 12, 2020
Our May 15, 2020 Benefits Basics has been cancelled due to the Emergency Health Crisis.
To register for any of the following webinars, please email Cathy Lucidi at clucidi@nsls.legal.
Landlord-Tenant Amendments, One Year In | Friday, June 19, 9:30-12:30 |
NOW A FREE WEBINARCommunity advocates are often the first line of defense for our clients who face eviction or tension with their landlords. In 2019, sweeping amendments to N.Y. landlord-tenant law went into effect. The changes address every stage of the landlord-tenant relationship, from application fees and background checks, to the notices re-quired prior to eviction. This training will review the changes in the law and discuss how the amendments have been put into effect. We will also address the recent Moratorium and COVID-19 related landlord/tenant issues.
Family Law Basics | Friday, July 24, 9:30-12:30NOW A FREE WEBINARMany litigants in family court are unable to find legal representation for some or all aspects of their case and may turn to community advocates for assistance. Learn the basics of common family law topics including custody, support and orders of protection and where you or your clients can go for more help. We will also discuss the impact of COVID-19 virtual hearings for victims of domestic violence and family court appearances.