Giving Tuesday 2022: NSLS is incredibly grateful for the generous donations in this year’s Lawyer Led Giving Tuesday campaign.
December 19, 2022
Foreclosure Settlement Conferences and What to Expect
January 1, 2023Medicaid Changes for 2023: (1) The Medicaid Income Eligibility level for people 65 and over and people with disabilities will rise to 138% of the federal poverty level; (2) The Medicaid asset limit for people 65 and over and people with disabilities will increase (ex. single person’s asset limit will increase from $16,800 to $28,133); (3) The eligibility level for the Medicare Savings Program will increase; (4) Undocumented immigrants age 65+ will qualify for full Medicaid; and (5) Income eligibility for the Essential Plan (health insurance for those under 65 with higher income) will increase from 200% to 250% of the Federal Poverty Level and expands coverage to include long term care.
These changes may affect your clients’ spend-downs and/or need for a supplemental needs or pooled income trust. Please feel free to have your clients reach out to our offices to see if adjustments should be made before any action is taken.
Medicaid Alert flyer 2023