New York State Landlord Rental Assistance Program (LRAP) Update
December 2, 2021
Congratulations to Re-entry Project Staff Attorney, Carly Sommers, on her well-deserved Recognition
December 2, 2021Did you know that quick employment for formerly incarcerated individuals significantly decreases the risk of committing future crimes? Recidivism rates range from 30%-70%. Recidivism rates for individuals quickly employed range from 3.3%-8%. Read more about the study here.Nassau Suffolk Law Services’ Reentry Unit helps people to reintegrate into the community after facing criminal charges by helping them to address criminal history-related civil legal issues. Examples of cases the Reentry Unit will consider include:Employment discriminationSection 8 ProblemsCertificates of relief from civil disability/certificates of good conductDenial of professional license; andDenial of employment due to prior neglect/abuse findings (at the ALJ level).Thank you to Re-Entry Unit Staff Attorneys Carly Sommers and Daniel Smith for their dedication to and advocacy to reduce the recidivism rates on Long Island.Remember our services are free of charge! Call and ask for the Re-Entry Unit. Nassau County residents call: 516-292-8100 Suffolk County residents call: 631-232-2400