New, Streamlined Application for Individuals Seeking Help from the State with Crime-Related Expenses.
January 31, 2024
Debt Collectors Contacting You? Use these sample verification and cease dunning letters
February 2, 2024New Suffolk Department of Social Services Rental Supplement Program open for individuals or families experiencing homelessness – Please see flyers with eligibility guidelines for individuals or families with 5 or more.
Town of Babylon‘s Tenant-Based Rental Assistance Program opened on December 18th, 2023. This program is for extremely low-income households who are in rental arrears to help residents regain housing stability and prevent homelessness. For more information and to apply, please visit Long Island Housing Partnership’s website.
Town of Brookhaven’s CDBG-CV Covid-19 Rental Arrears Program is still accepting applications for low to moderate-income Town of Brookhaven residents with rental arrears incurred due to a Covid-19-related financial hardship. Visit LIHP for more information and to apply.
Tip: If the landlord of a non-regulated unit intends to renew the lease with a rent increase of more than 5%, or does not intend to renew the lease, they must provide advanced written notice. For example:
- Lived in apartment two or more years, or a two-year lease, your landlord must provide 90 days’ advanced written notice before raising rent or not renewing lease;
- Lived in apartment between one and two years, landlord must provide 60 days’ advanced written notice before raising rent or not renewing lease; or
- Lived in apartment for less than one year, or have a lease for less than one year, landlord must provide 30 days’ advanced written notice before raising your rent or not renewing your lease. (Real Property Law § 226-c).
Nassau Suffolk Law Services, in partnership with Empire Justice Center, can now assist Nassau and Suffolk residential tenants with housing-related legal problems (like eviction) and a household income of up to 80% of the Area Median Income. Services are available through this partnership regardless of immigration status. Please call the office closest to you to see if you are eligible for legal services. Interpreters are available. Suffolk residents west of 112 can call 631-232-2400 and east of 112 can call 631-369-1112. Nassau residents can call 516-292-8100. Feel free to share our flyer in both English, Spanish, and Haitian-Creole