October 30, 2019 is our Annual Fall Commitment to Justice Reception. Mark your calendar for a great night out and to show your support for much needed free legal services.
October 11, 2019
Our 2019 Commitment to Justice Event would not have been a success without the generous support from
October 31, 2019Our Suffolk County Pro Bono Project celebrated our pro bono heroes at a luncheon hosted by the Suffolk County Bar Association on October 23, 2019. The Hon. Edwina G. Mendelson, Dep. Chief Administrative Judge for Justice Initiatives, NYS Supreme Court, and Hon. C. Randall Hinrichs, District Administrative Judge for Suffolk, were the guest speakers. In addition to honoring the pro bono attorneys, Prof. Lewis Silverman received a Special Acknowledgment for his outstanding service to the Project. Maria Dosso’s retirement was acknowledged with a glass award and flowers.
Photography: Barry Smolowitz, Esq.

The Following Attorneys were recognized:
Robin Abramowitz Jeffrey Alan Adolph Kevin Agoglia Victor Ambrose** Andrea Amoa Maria Annunziata Darren Aronow Michael Aronowsky Richard Artura Susan Beckett Marc Bekerman Frederica Berger Leslie Berman Hermon Bishop Kevin Bowman Regina Brandow Debra Brown** Patricia Burden Marrero Isabel Buse Michelle Caldera-Kopf Ernest Cannava Barbara CannovaMichael Catalanotto Dave Chustek Janet Cohen Sorrentino Arthur Conte Vincent Cuocci** Adam D’Antonio Timothy Davies Eric P. DeBarba Jodi Ann Donato** Rose Elefante Laura Ann Ellis Joanne Fanizza Crysti Farra Karen Faulkner
Heather Fig
Lisa Fine Alan Finkel**
George Frooks
David A. Gabay
Sachin Gadh
William Gearty
Stuart Gelberg
Andrew J. Gilbride
Marissa Glass
Joshua Goldberg
Laura C. Golightly
William Goode
William Grigo
Faye L. Gross
Paul Grosswald
Robert D. Grundfast
Harold Guberman
Ivan E. Guerrero
E. Anne Hayes
Stephen R. Hellman
Nayana Herath
Jeannie Henry**
Wendy Hodor
Robert Hornberger
Richard Jacoby
Joy E. Jorgensen
Elizabeth Justesen
Michael Lamberti
Amrita Khan
Ellen Krakow
Frank Krotschinsky
Diana Leahy
John Leonard**
Judy Lukose
James Martell Denise Marzano-Doty David Mejias Jennifer A. Mandelsohn Catherine Miller Kenneth Molloy Linda Morrison Francine Moss Mark Murray John NewmanEve Nowak*** Janet O’Hanlon Arthur Olmstead George Pammer Philip Parlante John Patitucci Gina Pellettieri Thomas Persichilli Brian Anthony Picarello Waldy Pierre Judith Pluviose Allison RamosMichael Renna** Charlene Rogers Debra Rubin Helen RubinLeif Rubinstein Aniella Russo Sean Sabeti Vanessa Sanders Joel Richard Salinger Donald Sallah Harvey Savitt **Maria Scheuring-Elbert Harold Seligman Christine Shiebler Paul Sibener
Kaleem Ul-deen Sikandar
Karen G. Silverman
Lewis A. Silverman*
Mark Slavis
Kathy Small
Edwin Smith
Tarsha C. Smith
Denise Snow
Harold Somer
Jessica Sparacino
Richard L. Stern
Louis Sternberg
Kerie P. Stone
Una Tapper
Bridget J. Tartaglia
Ave Marie Thompson
William Timmons
Thomas Tlockowski
Joseph C. Tonetti
Elaine Turley
Karyn Villar
Aida von Oiste
James P. Wallin
Christena M. Ward
John Weber
Margarett Williams**
James R. Winkler
Christopher Worth
Paraskevi Zarkadas
Cheryl Zimmer
Mitch Zwaik
* Special Acknowledgment** Pro Bono Attorney of the Month*** NYSBA President’s PB Service Award