Should you postpone paying your federal student loans?
March 31, 2023
Updated Medicare Policies!
March 31, 2023Affordable Housing Updates!
Town of Hempstead Housing Authority will be accepting applications between 4/3/2023 and 5/1/2023 for affordable housing for elderly (62 plus) and disabled adults (receiving SSD or SSI) in their 14 complexes as well as affordable housing for families available at 2 of their complexes. Please see the Town of Hempstead website for more information. Town of Hempstead residents can call 516-485-9666 starting April 1 to have an application mailed to them.
Town of Islip Housing Authority is accepting applications on behalf of the Town of Islip Affordable Housing Corp. for the RAD (rental assistance demonstration) Section 8 Project Based Program, Elderly Housing as defined by HUD/PHA policies; Head, Co-Head or spouse are 62 years of age or a person with a disability. The acceptance period is from Monday, March 27, 2023, through Wednesday, April 5, 2023, at which time the acceptance of applications for the waiting list will close. Please visit the Town of Islip website for more information.
Nassau Suffolk Law Services Civil Units assist Nassau and Suffolk residential tenants with Section 8 termination hearings. Please call the office closest to you to see if you are eligible for legal services. Interpreters are available. Suffolk residents west of 112 can call 631-232-2400 and east of 112 can call 631-369-1112. Nassau residents can call 516-292-8100