Catherine Papandrew, Esq.
January 31, 2021
Contact us to request training geared toward the interests of your organization!
Marissa Luchs Kindler, Esq., Senior Staff Attorney, and Paola Arango, Esq., Staff Attorney in the disability and health-related unit, gave a series of trainings on the rapidly changing Landlord-Tenant laws to members of the public through the Brentwood Public Library and to advocates through the Legal Support Center for Advocates, Sepa Mujer and at the Long Island Language Advocates Coalition Conference housing panel. Kindler and Hannah Abrams, Staff Attorney in the Civil Unit, also presented to staff of Long Island Housing Authorities. For a recording of Kindler’s most recent training on the COVID-19 Emergency Eviction and Foreclosure Prevention Act, click here. Agnes Bonavoglia, Esq., Staff Attorney of the Independent Consumer Advocacy Network (ICAN) unit gave a webinar entitled Understanding Medicaid Managed Long Term Care and presented on Medicaid MLTC for consumers through the Brentwood Public Library. For a recording of Bonavoglia’s presentation for families and caregivers click here.Amanda Davis, Esq., Staff Attorney in the ICAN unit gave a different version of the Medicaid Managed Long Term Care presentation tailored to advocates through the Legal Support Center for Advocates. For a recording of Davis’s presentation for advocates, click here.Susanna Laruccia, Esq., Staff Attorney in the Veterans Rights Project presented on holistic lawyering at the Hofstra Law Veterans Advocacy Program.Roberta Scoll, Esq. Coordinator for the Nassau Volunteer Lawyers Project Attorney of the Day Program presented on landlord-tenant law at the Theodore Roosevelt Inn of Court and at the Nassau County Bar Association District Court Committee.
35 YEAR MILESTONERobin Sparks, Esq.Public Benefits Staff Attorney
30 YEAR MILESTONESNora GonzalezPublic Benefits ParalegalLarry Tuthill, Esq.Domestic Violence Project Staff Attorney 25 YEAR MILESTONELiz Wolf-BocconeMSW Director of Social Work
20 YEAR MILESTONECarolyn McQuade, Esq.Pro Bono Coordinator
15 YEAR MILESTONESJohn Ferro, Esq.Disability and Health-Related Staff AttorneyBill Stuber, Esq.Landlord-Tenant Staff Attorney
5 YEAR MILESTONESPaola Arango, Esq.Disability and Health-Related Staff Attorney
Margaret DillonAssistant to the Director of FinanceMichele Fischetti, Esq.Coordinator, COVID-19 Tenant Legal Assistance ProjectHeather Graham, Esq.Foreclosure Prevention Staff AttorneyPetrushka Khiamal, Esq.Landlord-Tenant Staff Attorney