Community Legal Help Project: Suffolk August 2023 Dates
July 20, 2023
Survivors of Domestic Violence can Apply for a New Social Security Number!
July 21, 2023Student Loan Update!
On Friday, July 14th, the Department of Education announced that it was sending notice to 804,000 borrowers who had spent 20 to 25 years in repayment on their federal student loans that their remaining balance would be canceled. The Income-Driven Repayment (IDR) programs allow borrowers to make payments based on their income and forgive any remaining balances after borrowers accrue 20 or 25 years of qualifying time in repayment. Under the IDR Account Adjustment, the Department is putting millions of borrowers closer to being debt free after 20 to 25 years in repayment by counting more past time—including all time in repayment and some periods of time in forbearance and deferments—towards IDR forgiveness. The Department adjusted the accounts of borrowers who had reached or exceeded the number of qualifying months toward forgiveness first; however, the Department will continue adjusting all borrowers’ accounts until 2024. Borrowers who are not yet at cancellation will see an adjustment to their accounts next year that will reflect their updated number of qualifying months toward cancellation of any remaining balance. For more information on what to do if you think you are eligible for cancellation or on how to opt-out, visit the Student Loan Borrower Assistance website.
Nassau Suffolk Law Services is a participating agency in the EDCAP (Education Debt Consumer Assistance Program) Network. EDCAP helps New Yorkers navigate the student loan system regardless of the type of education debt, federal or private. EDCAP offers free, one-on-one counseling with our student loan experts who only have your best interests at heart. Nassau Suffolk Law Services can also assist when a defendant is being sued on a higher education debt matter. Please contact the EDCAP helpline at (888) 614-5004 or be screened for legal services by Nassau Suffolk Law Services at (516) 292-8100.