Stuart Gelberg, Esq.
October 29, 2020
Keeping the Heat On During the Pandemic
October 30, 2020Harold Somer is in private practice in Westbury, focusing in the area of bankruptcy and debtor/ creditor rights. Mr. Somer was also one of the founders of the VLP/NCBA Bankruptcy Panel in 1990, and he has continued to serve regularly since that time. Over the past ten years, he has donated several hundred hours and assisted over 163 VLP clients both screening and filing Chapter 7 petitions. He also serves on the NCBA Mortgage Foreclosure Consultation Clinic. Somer has garnered numerous awards, including the New York State Bar Association President’s Pro Bono Service Award in 2015.
Somer feels that every client deserves to be treated with compassion and dignity. During these COVID times, many marginalized individuals are even more isolated, and unfortunately cannot get the same level of comfort from virtual communication. Nevertheless, his keen desire to give back to the community propels him toward making a meaningful connection and giving each client peace of mind.
In his spare time, Somer and his wife started Hurley’s Heart Bulldog Rescue, which is dedicated to rescuing and fostering English Bulldogs until they find forever homes.
If you would like to volunteer in Nassau County, please contact Susan Biller, Esq. 516-292-8100, ext. 3136, or sbiller@nsls.legal. If you would like to volunteer in Suffolk County, please contact Carolyn McQuade, Esq. at (631) 232 2400, ext. 3325 or cmcquade@nsls.legal.