Help for Homeowners and Renters
September 9, 2020
Free Benefits Counseling For People With HIV/AIDS

Navigating the Uncertain Financial Future with Clients
Friday, October 16, 12:00-1:30 pm
Working with clients that are financially struggling can be challenging for everybody involved, especially when considering the unknown that lies ahead for your client and their family. Financial attorney, Leslie Tayne, can discuss how to identify signs that your client is having financial troubles, resources for assistance for individuals and small businesses, concerns for financial liability post-death or disability and the ethical obligation involved in the processes.
In collaboration with NSLS Advisory Council Member, Leslie Tayne, Esq.
Adult Care Facilities In New York State
Family Service League
Caregiver Support Program Training
Tuesday, October 20, 2020, 10:00 am–11:30 am
Learn the differences between Assisted Living Residences and Programs; Enhanced Housing and Adult Homes. Presented by Erika S. Verrill, Esq of Nassau Suffolk Law Services Adult Home Unit.
Click for registration information and additional Family Service League trainings.
Please register. Attendance is limited to the first 100 registrants.Please contact Cathy Lucidi at 631-232-2400 or clucidi@nsls.legal with any questions.