Community Legal Help Project: June 2023 Dates
May 31, 2023
Student Loan Tip! Are you in default on your federal student loans?
May 31, 2023
May 2023 we are celebrating Older Americans Month
Join us in recognizing the great work of the Senior Citizen Law Project!
A Nassau County senior contacted the SCLP with serious housing and financial problems. This senior had limited income, consisting of a small pension. She was also receiving a modest inheritance, which she was using to pay her monthly rent. However, once the inheritance had been exhausted, she could no longer afford to pay her rent. When her landlord brought an eviction case against her, her rental arrears totaled $30,000. SCLP Staff Attorney, John Ferro, represented her in Nassau County District Court.
SCLP Staff Attorney, John Ferro, represented her in Nassau County District Court and negotiated a very favorable settlement that: 1) provided her with 75 days to vacate her apartment; and 2) waived all of the unpaid rent. Additionally, Mr. Ferro assisted the senior in obtaining proof of citizenship. This documentation was sent to the Social Security Administration, allowing the successful processing of her application for Social Security Retirement benefits. As a result, her income was substantially increased and her quality of life was vastly improved. Wonderful work, John!
The Senior Citizen Law Project provides legal representation, advice and referrals to Nassau County seniors in matters involving housing, health care and social security. The Project also assists with wills, power of attorney and health care proxy forms, pooled trusts, Medicaid planning, consumer debt and utility shut-offs. With specific funding from the Nassau County Office for the Aging, the Project assists Nassau County seniors age 60 and older who have a legal issue which meets our priority guidelines. In addition to the “Helpline” and legal representation, the Project collaborates with Senior Citizen social agencies, provides training, and participates in community information events that target seniors. Nassau County residents can call (516) 292-8100.