This page outlines the rules that will apply after the current state of emergency is lifted.
Please refer to our COVID-19 resources for updates on temporary changes to these rules.
Are you having a problem with your gas or electric service?
If you live on Long Island, your gas company is National Grid. Your electric company is PSEG Long Island.
If you are having problem with your electric service, you should first call PSEG customer service.
You can reach PSEG customer service at 1-800-490-0025 or 631-755-6000 If you are having an emergency, call PSEG at 1-800-490-0075.
If you are having problem with your gas, you should call National Grid.
You can reach National Grid customer service at 1-800-930-5003 If are having an emergency, call 1-800-490-0045
I need to file a complaint
You should first try to resolve the problem with PSEG or National Grid Your complaint can involve issues such as:
- Shut off procedure
- Unfair Deferred Payment Agreements regarding arrears
- PSEG’s refusal to accept a medical certification letter to continue service Billing disputes, denial of new account, deposit requests etc.
- Reporting a Shared meter
How to file a complaint
1. Start with the PSEG. Call 800-490-0025 to file your complaint. You should be given a prompt decision either orally or in writing.
2. If unresolved, call NYS Department of Public Service (DPS) at 1-800-342-3377 or 3355 or to file a complaint. (If you are a person with a hearing or speech impairment, you can contact the PSC through the New York State Relay Service by dialing 711) You can also visit or send a letter to DPS Long Island Office 125 East Bethpage Road, Plainview, NY 11803.
3. If you object DPS’ decision after filing the inital complaint, within you may request an appeal in writing or by phone, for an informal hearing or review,
The Informal Hearing
1. You will get a letter that tells you when and where the hearing will be held.
2. You do not have to be at the hearing, but you will be asked to send documents.
3. You can attend the hearing and bring the documents or send the documents to the person reviewing your complaint (the hearing officer)
4. If you’d like, you can send someone to the hearing to represent you.
5. The hearing is a chance for you and the utility company to come to an agreement.
6. If you cannot come to an agreement, the hearing officer will make a decision.
7. You will get a letter that explains the decision that was made.
4. DPS hearing office will issue a written decision on the informal appeal
5. If the informal decision of DPS is unfavorable, appeal within 15 days to: Office of the Secretary, NYS Dept Public Service, 3 Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12223-1350. The appeal can take the form of a letter and must be based on one or more of the following:
mistake in the facts or the law certain evidence wasn’t considered
new facts or evidence have become available which would have affected the decision on the complaint.
6. DPS will review the appeal the letter and recommend decision in writing to the utility company
7. PSEG will finally decide the appeal and notify you and DPS in a written decision
8. A “Rehearing” may be requested to DPS on PSEG’s decision within 30 days. (Return to step 6)
Do you need more help?
Read answers to more questions you might have from the Utility Project FAQ
This resource is based on this guide to complaints published by the Department of Public Service and the LIPA Tariff pp. 159-163