NSLS is pleased to announce that Rezwanul Islam has been named Managing Attorney for Nassau County.
July 7, 2020
HEAP, HEAP Cooling and Household Assistance Program
July 17, 2020New York State Homes and Community Renewal’s (HCR) COVID Rent Relief Program will launch. The program will provide eligible households with a one-time rental subsidy that will be sent directly to the household’s landlord. Applicants will not need to repay this assistance.
The application period will be open for two weeks only and will be first come, first served. The application will be available here: https://hcr.ny.gov/RRP, starting tomorrow, the 16th. There, you can also find answers to FAQs and more information about the program.
Eligible households must meet the following criteria:
- Must be a renter with a primary residence in New York State. At least one household member must be a U.S. citizen or have eligible immigration status.
- Before March 1, 2020 and at the time of application, household income must have been below 80% of the area median income, adjusted for household size. You can find your county’s area median income, based on your household size: www.hcr.ny.gov/eligible-income-limits-80-ami-county
- Before March 1, 2020 and at the time of application, the household must have been paying more than 30% of gross monthly income towards rent. Gross income includes wages as well as any cash grants, child support, social security, unemployment benefits, etc.)
- Applicants must have lost income during the period of April 1, 2020 to July 31, 2020.
The program is funded through the Coronavirus Relief Fund, which is part of the CARES Act, and is administered by New York State Homes and Community Renewal. HCR will prioritize households with greatest economic and social need, based on income, rent burden, percent of income lost and risk of homelessness.
The rental assistance payment will cover the difference between the household’s rent burden on March 1st of this year and the increase in rent burden during the period the household is applying for assistance. Households can apply for up to four months in rental assistance for April through July. Those who rent apartments, single-family homes, manufactured homes and manufactured home lots are eligible. Tenants currently receiving Section 8 or residing in public housing are not eligible.
New York City tenants can also visit the Mayor’s Office to Protect Tenants’ COVID-19 Housing FAQ for additional resources, including information on the City’s tenant information helpline. https://www1.nyc.gov/content/tenantprotection/pages/covid19-home-quarantine