ERAP Library Webinar for the East End on 1/5/22
December 23, 2021
Legal Lessons 01/07/22- New Year Advocacy Tips and Legal Updates
January 7, 2022Update! The OTDA ERAP portal is only open to residents of counties/towns who have not spent their allocated ERAP funds. Suffolk and Nassau County residents are still eligible to apply with the exception of the Towns of Brookhaven and Babylon residents. Town of Islip, Hempstead, and Oyster Bay have a separate portal where residents can apply.Please note, households in any part of the state with income over 80 percent and up to 120 percent of area median income can still apply for state-funded emergency rental assistance.Do not delay! Apply for ERAP today! Although the eviction moratorium has been extended in New York until January 15, 2021, Long Island residents with rental and utility arrears should apply now for assistance before the funds run out. If you receive a decision on your ERAP application that you disagree with, make sure to appeal within thirty (30) days by calling 844-691-7368 or filling out the online form linked here. To apply and determine eligibility, visit the OTDA website here.
Residents of Hempstead
Apply through Town of Hempstead Emergency Rental Assistance Program (lihp.org). Questions? Call (844) 260-7536 or email hempsteaderap@lihp.org. Application deadline: February 1, 2022, 5pm.
Residents of Islip
Apply through Town of Islip: Community Development Agency (islipcda.org). Questions? Call (631) 647-5683 or email erap@islipcda.org
Residents of Oyster Bay
Apply through Town of Oyster Bay Emergency Rental Assistance Program (lihp.org). Questions? Call (844) 260-7541 or email oysterbayerap@lihp.org. Application deadline: February 1, 2022, 5pm.
Other Long Islander Towns
Apply through the New York State website. Emergency Rental Assistance Program OTDA (ny.gov).
Both our Nassau and Suffolk offices assist eligible tenants with housing legal issues, including eviction proceedings. Suffolk residents can call 631-232-2400. Nassau residents can call 516-292-8100.