May 2023 ERAP Updates
April 28, 2023
Eviction Timelines
May 25, 2023May is Mental Health Awareness Month
This month, we welcome you to join us as we highlight our Mental Health Law Project and present the upcoming Legal Support Center for Advocates training, “An Overview of Mental Health Housing on Long Island.”
The Mental Health Law Project
The Mental Health Law Project is designed to provide legal assistance in civil matters to persons who are severely and persistently mentally ill.
This project focuses primarily on issues relating to basic necessities of life, such as housing, public benefits, access to health care and child support.
Clients must be at least 18 years of age and functionally disabled by a severe and persistent mental illness. Behavioral problems resulting from developmental disability, head injury, stroke, epilepsy or other organic dysfunction do not qualify.
Client must meet at least one of the following criteria:
- Receives SSI or SSD based upon a psychiatric diagnosis of severe mental illness;
- Has been an inpatient in a psychiatric hospital at least twice within the past 2 years;
- Has been seen in an emergency room for psychiatric problems at least three times in the past 18 months (however, only one visit is countable in each 3-month period);
- Has been an inpatient in a psychiatric hospital for six consecutive months at any time in his or her life; or
- Has been residing in a community residence or supported housing for the mentally ill for six consecutive months.
An Overview of Mental Health Housing on Long Island
Thursday • May 25, 2023 • 1:00pm-2:00pm
The Legal Support Center for Advocates presents “An Overview of Mental Health Housing on Long Island.”
Join Supervising Attorney, Paola Arango, in learning about the different types of mental health housing including an overview of the tenant application process and the rights of tenants in the event of an eviction.
Register in Advance via Zoom: tinyurl.com/LSCAMentalHealthHousing