Nassau County Office of Housing Community Development Survey
December 30, 2019
What are Medicaid Liens?
January 1, 2020Medical Coverage
Medicaid will cover children under 19. Income levels are based on the child’s age. Spend Downs are always available for children over income. Resources (bank accounts, etc.) do not count.
Child Health Plus
Low cost health insurance for children who are not eligible for cost free Medicaid (i.e. where there is a “spenddown”). Call (800) 698-4543
Transitional Medicaid, if you have a dependent child, will automatically cover your family for 6 months after you lose public assistance due to earnings. You can potentially extend this for 6 more months. After that Medicaid is still available to your family, with or without a spenddown, depending on your earnings.
Transportation Costs
Transportation expenses (usually tokens) are available from DSS/DOL for assigned work activities (other than paid employment) including orientation. Tokens are available at the DOL office between 2:00 and 4:00. The cost of public transportation is also reimbursable, or if not available at 30 cents per mile for those with a car. Forms are available by calling (631)853-3666. This includes the cost of transporting children of SWEP participants to child day care.
Medical conditions which which limit access to public transportation may make you eligible for van transportation (Work Now vans). Suffolk Works van project transports to assigned worksites where public transportation does not exist or there is a high demand for participants.
Clothing Allowance
Up to $150 for clothing necessary for participation in SWEP or employment.
Miscellaneous Work-Related Fees
Up to $150 for each license or other work related fee necessary for SWEP activity or employment during any calendar year.
Up to $500 during a calendar year for tools and equipment necessary to participate in SWEP or employment.
Up to $1000 for necessary car repairs and up to $1500 per year for car insurance during participation in SWEP or employment. You must have an open public assistance case or be within 30 days of case closing. Required documentation must accompany all requests (e.g. proof of insurance, title, license, etc.)
Family Violence Services
If you are unable to comply with work activities due to an increased risk of domestic violence, inform your worker who will refer you for an assessment to see if you can be excused.
Your worker should also be able to advise you of support services that are available through agencies like VIBS (631) 360-3606), Suffolk County Coalition Against Domestic Violence (631) 666-8833, Brighter Tomorrows (631) 395-1800 or The Retreat (631) 329-2200.
Child Care and Transitional Child Care
SWEP participants can apply for help with child care expenses by calling (631) 853-3666. Child care expenses up to the market rate are paid by DSS directly to your child care provider or as reimbursement to the SWEP participant.
Call Child Care Council of Suffolk at (631) 462-0303 or Little Flower Children and Family Services at (631) 929-6200 for help in finding child care. You are still potentially eligible for child care once you come off public assistance and can apply for Transitional Child Care for 12 months afterward by calling (631) 854-9414.
Child Assistance Program (CAP)
A special program available through DSS which maintains cash assistance for families who are earning higher wages. Call (631) 853-3861.
Food Stamps
If your public assistance case is closed due to earnings, you are still potentially eligible for food stamps. It is important to submit pay stubs to your income maintenance worker so that your continued eligibility for food stamps can be assessed.
Legal Services
If experiencing sanction problems with SWEP call Nassau Suffolk Law Services at (631) 232-2400 or Touro Social Justice Project at (631) 421-2244 x543.