Seniors Unit Helps Older Americans Facing Illegal Medical Debt
April 8, 2021
The New York Bar Foundation presents grant to NSLS to support our Covid-19 Tenant Legal Project
April 13, 2021The IRS has sent out two stimulus payments to help people get through the COVID-19 pandemic. It will send out a third payment soon. Most people with Social Security Numbers qualify for this money, but lots of people have not received all of the money they should have.
Filing a 2020 tax return will help people who do not ordinarily file get all of the money they are owed. It will also help people who did not get the full amount they are entitled to, and it will help people get future payments.
The filing deadline is May 17, 2021.
Groups who are most likely to need to file now to get the full amount they are entitled to include:
-People with low incomes who do not normally file tax returns and do not receive Social Security benefits or SSI. People who started receiving disability benefits for the first time in 2020 may also need to file now.
-People who lost their job or lost income in 2020, but were not eligible for the full stimulus based on their 2019 income.
-People who received the full stimulus for themselves, but did not receive a stimulus payment for their dependents.
People who make less than $72,000 a year can file a free tax return using the IRS free filer tool here!
Free tax help is available from the Health and Welfare Council of Long Island (516-738-0447) and at many public libraries on Long Island. A local site can be found here.