We are saddened to announce the passing of former NSLS Executive Director, Hon. Leonard Clark
March 1, 2021
Moratorium On Utility Disconnects Ending Soon
March 5, 2021
– Nearly 18% of New York homeowners with a mortgage were behind on their mortgage payments in February. That’s over 11% of all New York homeowners at risk of losing their homes, not counting those who may be behind on their property taxes or other housing expenses. Census Pulse Data– For families with children the delinquency rate is over 20%.– This rate is three times higher than the rate of delinquency at the height of the previous foreclosure crisis in January 2009.- Since 2012, HOPP provided foreclosure prevention services to over 120,000 families in New York.- HOPP funding is scheduled to expire in July 2021.There is no ongoing funding for foreclosure prevention services in the current NY state budget.