Financial Institutions May Not Use Immigration Status to Illegally Discriminate Against Credit Applicants!
November 15, 2023
Sealing Clinic
November 16, 2023If you are behind on your bill or facing a termination on your electric or gas, you should ask your utility for a Determination of Customer Resources form. Once submitted to your utility, the utility must consider your individual financial circumstances and offer a Deferred Payment Agreement (DPA). Depending upon financial circumstances, the down payment could be as little as $0 and a $10 per month DPA. Under a DPA, the customer must continue to make their regular monthly utility payments in addition to the DPA payments. For example, if the regular utility payment is $100 and the DPA monthly payment is $10, then the client will pay $110 per month to the utility. It is important to ensure that the DPA is affordable as a customer cannot reenter a new DPA if the customer fails to pay. However, a DPA can be amended at any time due to a change in circumstances.
If are facing an imminent electric/gas termination, please call and speak with our Nassau or Suffolk Civil Units for guidance on your rights or next steps. Suffolk residents can call (631) 232-2400. Nassau residents can call (516-292-8100.