The Advisory Council provides LSLI with invaluable support and resources and raises community awareness about our critical services.
These individuals bring with them their unparalleled legal and business expertise.
The Council helps to organize exciting LSLI events and raises funds for the agency. They are drawn together by the shared mission of our organization to provide access to free civil legal assistance to Long Island’s most vulnerable people.
Executive Committee
Advisory Council Chair: Shannon Quinn
Vice-Chair: Lidia Szczepanowski, Esq.
Secretary: Cynthia L. Doerler, MPA
Beth Polner Abrahams, Esq.
Brendan M. Ahern, Esq.
Leonard J. Badia, Esq.
Ellen Birch
Laurie Bloom
Christopher J. Clarke, Esq.
Donna DeVita, Chair Emeritus
Elizabeth Flagler
Cheryl L. Fratello, Esq.
Douglas J. Good, Esq.
Wendy Hodor, Esq.
Jacob Ivry
Bernadette Kasnicki, Esq.
Jeffrey M. Kimmel, Esq.
A. Thomas Levin, Esq.
Peter H. Levy, Esq.
Thomas Maligno, Esq.
Stephen J. Maloney Jr., Esq.
John McGorty
Cory Morris, Esq.
Mark A. Peterson, Esq.
Gina Pirozzi
Elizabeth Post
Jeffrey A. Seigel, Esq.
Bradley Siegel, Esq.
Marvin Smith
Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.
Andrew J. Turro, Esq.
John C. Van Wie
Susan West